What to Expect
During a traditional 26&2 class, most postures are done twice. We'll do a posture, have a moment of stillness and breathing and then do the same posture again. It might be helpful for a beginner to observe the first set of any posture they feel unsure of and then join in for the second set.

The Heat & Humidity
The room will be around 105F and the humidity level around 40%. This increases circulation and heart rate, and creates a challenge to improve self discipline and focus. Let the environment do its thing and embrace the flow of sweat. Try to remain focused on your practice and resist the urge to constantly wipe away your sweat. It's going to come right back anyway!

The Challenge
Enjoy the challenge of the practice but please don't push through any pain! Listen to your body and recognize the difference between uncomfortable moments and the start of painful ones. Pain is a warning to back off. If your heart rate begins to soar or you feel overwhelmed at any point, just stand still or sit on your mat until you're ready to continue.

The Magic
Words we've heard after classes describing the magical feeling:
~ completely depleted yet
~ wrung out and cleansed
~ totally renewed
~ stress just melted away
~ yoga high
~ skin is refreshed
~ state of calm
How to Prepare
26&2 Hot Yoga

Hydration & Fuel
Hydrate well before coming to class. Ideally, drink plenty of water the day before. Avoid eating a full meal or guzzling a lot of water right before class. It might be a good idea to eat a meal 3-4 hours before class and have a light snack about an hour before class. This should give you the energy you need without discomfort.

Expect to sweat! Wear comfortable clothing that will allow you to move with ease. Avoid cotton or heavy materials. Most people find that running shorts or leggings and a tank top or sports bra work well for them.

What to Bring
Bring your yoga mat, a large towel to place over your mat, and a water bottle. Bring a change of clothing and an extra towel if you want to shower or change clothes after class. Please keep valuables at home or in your car. We have mats and towels available for rent.
Here are some suggestions for how to show respect to other practitioners.
You might find that these help you develop your own practice, too!

Quiet Space
When you enter the hot room, please refrain from talking. Many students like to arrive several minutes early to enjoy this special time and treasure the peacefulness and silence. You might find this time is beneficial for you as well! Use the moments before class for some light stretching, laying still, doing some quiet breathing exercises or sitting in meditation.

Mat Placement
If you are new to the sequence, set up in the back row so you'll be better able to observe. If you are more experienced, please leave the back row for beginners. Ideally, everyone should be able to see at least some of themselves in the front mirror which helps with balance, alignment and focus. Avoid placing your mat directly in front of or directly behind someone else's mat.

Stillness Between Postures
It can be tempting to wipe your face with your towel or drink water during each mini break. See how it feels to resist the urge to move. Eventually you will find it's best to just remain still so your body can fully benefit from the short rest. Of course, if you truly need water, drink! Try to take small sips in between postures rather than during them so others can stay focused.